Blog Post Dealing With Noise Complaints

Dealing With Noise Complaints

One of the possible challenges you’ll encounter as a landlord is dealing with tenant complaints. The most common cause of complaints is noise that disturbs the peace and prevents tenants and neighbors the right to quiet enjoyment.As a landlord, it’s your responsi...
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Blog Post How to Transition From Part Time to Full Time Landlord

How to Transition From Part Time to Full Time Landlord

Most landlords usually start out by investing in one or two single-family rental properties, but quite a number of them soon realize that being a full-time landlord offers more benefits than being a part-time landlord.If you’ve been a part-time landlord and are looking to q...
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Blog Post Holdover Tenant

Holdover Tenant

Many landlords have one common fear - a tenant leaving the premises before their fixed-term lease is over. Sometimes, however, a tenant may decide to extend their stay after their lease has expired.A tenant who stays after their lease is over is known as a holdover tenant. While ...
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Blog Post What to Do if the Deposit Doesn’t Cover Unpaid Rent?

What to Do if the Deposit Doesn’t Cover Unpaid Rent?

As a landlord, unpaid rent can be a frustrating and stressful situation to deal with. If the tenant's deposit doesn't cover unpaid rent, landlords may need to take legal action to recover the debt. There are several steps landlords can take before resorting to legal ...
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Blog Post Essential Tips for First Time Landlords

Essential Tips for First Time Landlords

Becoming a first-time landlord can be an exciting and profitable venture, but it also comes with significant responsibilities. This can be a hard task, especially for those new to the rental property market. This article will provide essential tips for first-time landlords t...
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Blog Post Risks of Having a Vacant Rental Property

Risks of Having a Vacant Rental Property

As a landlord, you’ll probably experience periods of vacancy. This is a normal part of owning a rental property. Typically, vacancies can be the result of market trends, poor advertising, high rent rates, or a lease agreement coming to an end. Regardless of the cause, filli...
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Blog Post Renewal Screening Checks

Renewal Screening Checks

The trick to successfully owning a rental property is to find trustworthy, long-term renters. So, when a tenant wants to renew their lease agreement, you may want to rush into it. But it’s better to take your time. This way, you can ensure you’re protected from c...
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Blog Post Top Tenant Complaints and How to Solve Them

Top Tenant Complaints and How to Solve Them

Complaints from tenants are unavoidable. Whether you have been a landlord for a decade or for only a year, complaints from tenants are bound to arise. No matter how excellent the rental property is, tenants can still run into maintenance problems or other complaints that become y...
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Blog Post The Pros and Cons of Renting Your House Furnished

The Pros and Cons of Renting Your House Furnished

Before beginning to rent out your rental property, consider the pros and cons of renting the property furnished. In this article the team from Scudo Real Estate is going to delve into this question and provide the answers you need to make a decision. Following Market TrendsM...
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Blog Post Is A Month To Month Lease Better for Landlords?

Is A Month To Month Lease Better for Landlords?

For landlords, an essential part of running a successful rental is knowing which lease agreements suit your needs best. Deciding between yearly or month-to-month leases can be challenging as each option has strengths and weaknesses. Month-to-month leases offer flexibility and con...
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