Blog Post Things To Know If You Are Renting With Plans To Purchase A Home One Day

Things To Know If You Are Renting With Plans To Purchase A Home One Day

Purchasing a home can feel overwhelming, no amount of google can tell you whether or not you are truly ready to buy. We are here to answer your questions while you determine whether or not this is the right time for you, and your personal goals. At SCUDO, we let our Clients set t...
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Blog Post SCUDO’s Tips for hiring contractors

SCUDO’s Tips for hiring contractors

Taking on a home renovation project can be overwhelming, let alone finding vendors to assist you. No one wants to spend hoards of money on a job gone wrong. There are many things to consider that you may not know and which need to be cleared first, before hiring the right co...
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Blog Post SCUDO Tips for Home Sellers: How to Tell if Your Home is Overpriced!

SCUDO Tips for Home Sellers: How to Tell if Your Home is Overpriced!

Home has a special place in everybody’s life. It is a place where emotional feelings and enjoyable memories take shelter. A home is a haven for a family, where members spend precious moments of their life under a reliable roof. No wonder, selling your home can be an emotion...
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Blog Post SCUDO’s Checklist For Home Sellers!

SCUDO’s Checklist For Home Sellers!

Debating selling your home is a crucial decision and the selling process can be quite challenging. As a seller, your aim is selling your home quickly for the maximum amount of possible capital. Your efforts and dedication prior to closing will decide the future of your ...
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Blog Post SCUDO’s Checklist for first time home buyers!

SCUDO’s Checklist for first time home buyers!

Getting the keys to your new home is an unforgettable experience! Buying a new home can be both an exciting and daunting experience, especially for new buyers.  If you are considering buying a new home this year , check out the list below with some tips to be prepared!Bank b...
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Blog Post Top Kansas City Home Design Trends for 2016

Top Kansas City Home Design Trends for 2016

Home design is an exciting and creative field which evolves with different trends every year. This year we bring you what has topped the list and is being looked forward to by home designers. Your home decor is guaranteed to be unique and personal to your family’s tastes, l...
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Blog Post Ask SCUDO: What is The Role of the Title Company in a Transaction?

Ask SCUDO: What is The Role of the Title Company in a Transaction?

When one thinks of buying or selling a home, they typically think of 2 parties involved- the Buyer & the Seller. In reality, most transactions have the following parties involved; Buyer, Seller, Buyer’s Agent, Seller’s Agent, Mortgage Lender, Inspector, Appraiser,...
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Blog Post Merry Christmas from SCUDO! Here’s your Kansas City Holiday Event guide:

Merry Christmas from SCUDO! Here’s your Kansas City Holiday Event guide:

Snow is coming, family is arriving, street shops are bustling and mesmerizing jingles can be heard are all around the town! Without a doubt, Christmas is around the corner.! This Christmas, don’t just want to sit at home while others experience the ambience of festive seaso...
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Blog Post Advantages and disadvantages of buying a foreclosure

Advantages and disadvantages of buying a foreclosure

If you are considering buying a foreclosure, you should ensure that you have evaluated complete pros and cons of such type of transaction. But before getting to the facts, it is important to get a good understanding of what exactly is foreclosure.A foreclosure is a proc...
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Blog Post Happy New Year From SCUDO! Tips On How To Stick To Your New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year From SCUDO! Tips On How To Stick To Your New Year’s Resolutions

What is on your list for the brand New Year that awaits you? 2015 has come to an end and with it we have the opportunity to kick out any bad habits we might have. With the new year about to begin let’s focus on some success tips to stick to your resolutions this year!F...
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